
THE REBEL impulse of extraordinary idea

2020-09-23 Eco Silver PaperIgiene

It  happens that someone of this incredible, yet sometimes so incomprehensible, human species, born with an impulse of extraordinary rebellion.
Not so much for the innate need to oppose authority, but for an extraordinary critical ability that leads him to ask questions and to understand in depth what surrounds him, for example habits or the mass sense of consideration for a specific topic.


What is the reason that leads us to consider a certain behavior “safeguard” of our protection? What motivates us to use one product compared to another? Are we sure that there is an objective consideration of the utility or rather it is the habit that leads us to the choice?

Here, the rebel, by its nature, asks questions and hardly accepts what is commonly “considered” correct. He is the one who through his own desire to break the patterns leads to the discovery of new horizons, new goals. It is autonomous from conventions and at the cost of breaking some “bone” persists in the search for change.

History is studded with rebels who have somehow changed it, though sometimes without happy endings:
from Spartacus to William Wallace, from Martin Luther to Rosa Parks, the Olympic athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos are people who have rebelled against a system fighting for their ideals, to have a better future, to be able to continue living.

And then there are the inventors, who have managed to go beyond the convictions and despite the obstacles and the skepticism of the system have gone their way without referring to common thought.

It’s the case of Frederic Tudor, the American who in the early 1800s started marketing ice, was publicly derided by local newspapers, Yet his rebellious intuition turned into a strong trade and his blocks of ice were sold all the way to India for fresh drinks, ice cream and medical purposes.

Or Graham Bell’s inventor of the phone, accused by the New York Times of wanting to empty the concert halls because, the not very elastic mind of the time, thought that the instrument was only used to transmit classical music.

Up to the recent IPhone welcomed in 2007 at the first presentation with extreme skepticism. A virtual keyboard seemed not useful, not immediate, a whim… and we know how it ended.

The rebellious spirit that guided the intuition to inject an antibacterial active ingredient into the paper to make it truly, and not just for the common thought, CLEAN HYGIENIC and PROTECTED is the guide in the proposal that we have developed and that we present to the market.

Paper products become HYGIENE DEVICES result of innovation and research: Eco Silver Paper® is the daily hygiene device that DEFENDS you and the environment that surrounds you.